Invest In Your Health




with Fitness Anywhere

Feel Like It’s Time to Make a Change in Your Life, But Can’t Seem to Find a Way?

With everyone becoming busier by the day, it’s getting harder and harder to make it to the gym, let alone abide by your personal trainer’s schedule.

Online Coaching allows someone at a distant to take advantage of everything a trainer would normally offer on-site members, except at a distance.

Online coaching is one of the most cost-efficient and effective ways to benefit from the services of a trainer.

Online coaching offers the Convenience of a personalized fitness program from the comfort of your home that is tailored to your specific goals.

The biggest advantage lies in the Cost, Affordability, Flexibility, and High Level Personal Accountability.

You’ll get fully personalized training plans, fully customized diet plans and unlimited support as you work to achieve your personal goals. In fact, an entire month of unlimited, private and convenient attention from your online coach costs less than you’d pay for just an hour of training at most gyms.




Upon signing up as a client, You will be asked to fill up a consultation form online.


After reviewing your goals, I shall setup your customized training plans and training schedule.


A member login and password will be provided to you which gives special access to your workout plans, watch exercise videos and the ability to track your workouts.


Download the app (apple/android) or use the mobile site. Track your progress as you workout.


Follow your workout with guiding videos and instructions on the web or your phone.


A “Check-in” feature makes you accountable. It also enables me to review your workout, and allows me to monitor your progress online.


24/7 online access wherever you are in the world




Absolutely not.

It is so much cheaper.

At a typical gym, personal training usually ranges from 800 – 1500 rupees per 30-60 min session. So, if you set up a three-day PT schedule with a typical trainer at 800 for each one hour session, you would spend 9600 for four weeks worth of training. The cost could range as high as twice that depending on where you live, the qualifications of the trainer, and the frequency of your visits. And that is the cost for the training alone.

Now what about your nutrition? How much more will that set you back?

It can be much LESS EXPENSIVE to hire an online trainer to do both your training and your nutrition. Not many people can afford upwards of a thousands of rupees a month to help get them fit. Having an online trainer allows you all the benefits of having a trainer and a nutritionist with much less of the financial burden. A month of online services costs far, far less. It’s a huge difference! And again, this is for both the Training & Nutritional aspect of your fitness plan.

can i Workout Whenever & Wherever i want?


This is one of the biggest perks of hiring a coach online; you set your own schedule. There is no need to coordinate your schedule with your coach’s, and there’s never a need to worry about cancellations and having to deal with rescheduling. You can work out as late or as early as you would like because you have the plan and know exactly what you need to do for each workout. If something comes up and you have to change your workout time, you can, with no worries. Since the sessions aren’t done in-person, you can choose the best time to complete the workouts. You can either workout from home or at the gym. This is completely your preference.


There are a couple of tools which I’ve employed to maintain a high level of accountability.

The first is, I have a check-in feature through the app. I get notified when the client checks in on a workout, view their results, and any notes. I can monitor their workouts and also make changes if required.

Next, I also have my clients send in weight, measurements, and, possibly, pictures every two weeks of them to review so that progress can be tracked and evaluated. This evaluation process serves a dual purpose for the client as it also provides an opportunity for both the client and the trainer to evaluate the effectiveness of the training plan. Training is results driven – do I look better, do I feel better, are my fitness goals being reached – and I will review this progress with you typically every two weeks to continuously customize and refine your plan for maximum results.

Finally, never forget, you are paying for all of this! You made a personal commitment to get into the best shape of your life and now you add in the financial commitment to recruit the expertise to do it the right way and that combination should push you to go to the gym and get the most out of your money.


Research has concluded that the internet can be very effective in aiding weight loss and changing health related behaviors when provided in a behavioral and interactive interface. Weight loss requires a total system for success. Online coaching provides you a practical and complete exercise and diet plan that’s hand made by your trainer, just for you. No guesswork, no stress, nothing to figure out. The diet plans start with understanding the foods you love, the structure of your days, and the areas you struggle so that a better approach can be designed   The best coach is the one who will do everything in their power to help you be successful. We all prefer to work with compassionate people in real life, and training online should be no different.

You have made an important decision in choosing to lead a healthy lifestyle and hopefully you will find that hiring an online coach will provide you with more bang for your buck, more convenience, better access to expertise and better communication in the long run, on your journey to a healthier you!.You want someone in your corner, someone with expertise and answers, and a leader who can help you through all of the difficult asks of getting in shape — so you have to think less and can do more.

what They’re Saying

Client Testimonials

Training through an app is wonderful! I don’t have to abide by my trainers schedule and I can work out when I feel like. I can also watch exercise demo videos and communicate with Fitness Anywhere through the app. I love the concept of online coaching! I would encourage anyone to take advantage of the benefits of Fitness Anywhere’s personalized training as you can be assured of great results if you work at it!

Trupti S, Bangalore

Since I could not afford personal training, online coaching has turned out to be very cost efficient and effective for me. I was skeptical at first, but after giving it some thought, I signed up for it. It was the best decision I could make! All my plans were personalized to suit my needs. Fitness Anywhere has changed my eating habits, my mindset and has supported me every step of the way.

Naomi Menon, Mumbai

I have found Fitness Anywhere to be extremely supportive, motivational and approachable to help me achieving my fitness goals. Fitness Anywhere has an incredible amount of knowledge with not only training, but the best ways to diet as well, he made small adjustments to my diet through the app which made a world of difference to me achieving the great results I have had so far.

P.H. Kurian, Chennai


Questions? Comments? Want to find out more about Online Coaching? I can help. Please fill out the form below and I will get back to you ASAP.


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