QUESTIONNAIRE – THE DEVOTION Name Gender MF Age Email Height Weight Do you have the habit of drinking tea/coffee during the day? YesNo Do you emotions affect the way you eat? if yes, please specify What are your current eating habits? Do you have any specific food requirements? Do you have any specific food requirements? On average, how many times do you eat fast food in week? During times of stress, I tend to eat Are there any foods you dislike? List your two most favorite foods Are you open to trying new methods, even if they part what's conventional and may initially conflict with current habits you may have? YesNo What you would like to achieve from our time working together? Do you have medical clearance from Your Fitness levelSelectJust StartedBeginnerIntermediateAdvanced Location How long have you been exercising for? What is your ultimate goal for implementing a fitness program with me? What type of fitness training are you doing now or have you done in the past? Do you have any injury or have had injuries in the past? What you would like to achieve form our time working together? Do you have medical clearance from a doctor to participate in an exercise program? Since how long have you been following us on Instagram? Please share your Instagram @username How did you hear about Fitness Anywhere? DM (Inbox Message)Friend/RelativeFollow RequestOn your own Submit